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Welcome 2021

Welcome 2021… we are all hoping that the pain, loss, uncertainty, anger, and sadness of 2020 does not repeat itself in this new year.

Now more than ever it is time to look inward. It is time to reconnect to God by re-connecting to yourself!

It’s a clean slate… our church building has been closed since March and with COVID numbers still rising our building will probably be closed till April to allow more time for vaccine distribution.

Why do I bring this up?

During this pandemic one thing was clear. Churches and members were not as connected as we had thought and isolation felt like abandonment.

We also found out that although WE are the church not the building, it was and has been difficult for most people to minister or serve or connect without gathering at the building.

So what NOW? Thanks for asking… NEW YEAR… CLEAN SLATE!

Let’s reconnect to God by reconnecting to ourselves.

There are many plans in a man’s heart,
Nevertheless the Lord’s counsel—that will stand. Proverbs NKJV 19:21

This year’s annual Daniel Fast will begin Jan 10th and last for 2 weeks.


We will be sending out an email full of resources to start planning. Do what you can for as many days as you can. No judgement… NEVER JUDGEMENT. We will survive this together!

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